
1. Lee Ting Hun, N. Kamini, Chua Kien Hui, E. T. T. Tan & F. S. Siti. (2008) The preliminary study on the effect of edible bird's nest extract for human skin fibroblast proliferations.1st International Conference on Biotechnology for The Wellness Industry (ICBWI).

2. N. Kamini, T.H. Lee, Chua Kien Hui, E.T.T. Tan and F.S. Siti. (2008) Effect of edible bird’s nest extract on human skin fibroblast proliferation. 1st International Conference on Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry (ICBWI). 5-6 August 2008. PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

3. Nagandran Kamini, Chua Kien Hui, Tjih Eddie Tan Ti, & Hun Lee Ting. (2009) Edible bird's nest extract rejuvenate skin by increased fibroblast proliferation and skin matrixes synthesis. In: ICBWI 2009, PWTC Kuala Lumpur. 7th International Traditional & Complementary Medicine Conference and 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology for The Wellness Industry.

4. Nagandran, Kamini, Chua Kien Hui, Md. Yahaya, Nor Hamdan, Tin, Lee Chew & Hun, Lee Ting. (2009) Edible bird’s nest extract promoted cartilage matrix expression and suppressed the catabolic genes expression in osteoarthritic chondrocytes. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ICBWI, 2009, PWTC Kuala Lumpur.

5. Nagandran, K., Chua Kien Hui, Yahaya, N.H.M., Tin, L.C., Tjih, E.T.T. and Hun, L.T. (2010) Edible bird’s nest extract improved anabolic mechanism in chondrocyte isolated from osteoarthritic articular cartilage. 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry. (ICBWI). 8-10 October 2010. PWTC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

6. Zainal Abidin, F., Kien Hui C., Sook Luan, N., Mohd Ramli, E.S., Ting Hun, L. & Abd Ghafar N. 2011. Effects of edible bird’s nest (NBN) on cultured rabbit corneal keratocytes. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2011 Oct 12;11(1):94.

7. Chua KH, Lee, T.H., Nagandran, K., Md. Yahaya, N.H., Lee, C.T., Tjih, E.T. & Abdul Aziz, R. 2013. Edible Bird's nest extract as a chondro-protective agent for human chondrocytes isolated from osteoarthritic knee: in vitro study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 13:19 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-13-19.

8. Chua, K.H., Liau, L.L. & Shak, P.S. 2013. Edible bird’s nest extract promotes human adipose-derived stem cells rejuvenation ability. TERMIS-AP 2013 Annual Conference, Shanghai-Wuzhen, P.R.China, S33-O-1, October 23-26, 2013

9. Lelia Tay, S.Y., Shak, P.S. & Chua, K.H. 2013. Edible bird’s nest promotes or inhibits human breast cancer cells growth? TERMIS-AP 2013 Annual Conference, Shanghai-Wuzhen, P.R.China, S33-O-2, October 23-26, 2013.

10. Ng S. L., Norzana A. G., Anisah N. & Chua K.H. 2013. Edible Bird’s Nest Extract Promotes Corneal Epithelial Repair In Acanthamoeba Keratitis Cellular Model. TERMIS-AP 2013 Annual Conference, Shanghai-Wuzhen, P.R.China, S33-O-4, October 23-26, 2013.

11. Ng S. L., Norzana A. G., Anisah N. & Chua K.H. 2013. Edible Bird’s Nest Extract Reduces Corneal Keratocytes Inflammatory Respond after Acanthamoeba Infection and Treatment. TERMIS-AP 2013 Annual Conference, Shanghai-Wuzhen, P.R.China, P106, October 23-26, 2013.

12. Chua, K.H. Bird’s nest extract unlock the full potential of swiftlet ranching. 26th August 2014. AgBiotech Track, Bio Johor 2014, Johor Biotechnology Conference and Exhibition, Johor Bharu, Johor, Malaysia.

13. Chua KH. Edible bird’s nest glycoproteins as the natural compounds for anti-aging and degenerative diseases. 1-3 June 2016. The 4th Current Drug Development International Conference 2016 (CDD2016). Phuket Thailand.

14. Wan Kamarul Zaman Wan Safwani, Ling-Ling Liau, Kien-Hui Chua. BIRD’S NEST EXTRACT PROMOTES HUMAN STEM CELLS PROLIFERATION. Stem Cells in Drug Discovery 2016, 5 th April – 6 th April 2016, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, United Kingdom

15. Chua, K.H. Scientific achievement on bird's nest research. 20 Mac 2018. BIRDNEST TRAINING PROGRAMME IN MALAYSIA ORGANISED BY CHINA AGRICULTURAL WHOLESALE MARKETS ASSOCIATION (CAWA), Four Points Sheraton Puchong.

16. Chua, K.H. The nutritional value and scientific research on edible bird's nest. 17-18 June 2018. China Edible Bird's Nest Industrial Development Summit Forum. Xiamen International Conference Center. China.

17. Chua, K.H. Interaction of Chemotherapy Drug with Edible Brid’s Nest Extract on Cancer Cells Killing. 26-27 May 2018. THE FIRST MALAYSIAN QUALITY BIRD'S NEST INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONAL CEREMONY AND SEMINAR. Grand Ballroom, Hotel Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar.

18. Chua, K.H., Mohamed, I.N., Mohd Yunus, M.H., Shafinaz Md Nor, N., Kamil, K., Azizah, U. & Jaya Kumar. 2021. The Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Edible Bird’s Nest in Influenza and Coronavirus Infections: From Pre-Clinical to Potential Clinical Application. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, 1106.

19. Ismaeil, R.A., Hui, C.K., Affandi, K.A., Alallam, B., Mohamed, W. & Mohd Noor, M.F. 2021. Neuroprotective effect of edible bird’s nest in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induced neurodegeneration in rats. Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation, 8.

20. Jaffar, F.H.F., Osman, K., Hui, C.K., Zulkefli, A.F. & Ibrahim, S.F. 2021. Edible Bird’s Nest Supplementation Improves Male Reproductive Parameters of Sprague Dawley Rat. Frontiers in pharmacology 12, 46.